The osteochondrosis - degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs, which is characterized by thinning of the drive, sclerosis of its surface and the increase of the border osteophytes. The fabric intervertebral disc hardens, cartilage is converted into bone. Under the influence of these changes, the album that weighs on the nerve endings, which becomes the cause of the pain syndrome.

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease:
- pain in the back, which is strengthened at the sudden movement;
- pains in the extremities;
- the atrophy of the extremities;
- cramps in muscles, difficulty in movement.
If surprised in the cervical region of the vertebral column, the disease is manifested by the following symptoms:
- the pain in the shoulders, the arms, the head;
- the syndrome of the vertebral arteries (dizziness, noises in the head, a spot of color in the eyes, throbbing headache).
The disease can develop for the following reasons: heredity, altered metabolism, intoxication, infections, obesity, eating disorders, aging of the body, trauma of the spine, disorders of posture, sitting job, bad environment, high load, stressful situations, the subcool.
Prevention and treatment of the degenerative disc disease cervical
The treatment is directed to the extraction of the syndrome of pain, restore function of spinal roots, the outrage calcifications of the changes in the intervertebral discs. In the early stages of the disease the treatment are conservative methods. In the later stages turning to the intervention.
The length of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and can vary from 1 month — up to a year.
Integrated conservative treatment includes techniques such as:
- therapeutic exercise;
- massage;
- the physical therapy;
- the chiropractic;
- traction of the spine;
- reflexology;
- taking the drugs.

As prevention it is recommended to lead a healthy life style, avoid excessive exercise, systematically develop the muscles of the back.